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Mel Robbins: The Secret to Kill Fear

Fear is real and can hold you back and keep you from doing and experiencing a lot of great things. Fear stops so many people from going after their goals, but it doesn’t have to.

How can we overcome fear and do what we need to do so we can do what we want to do?

Fear is a physical state in your body that is exactly the same as excitement. When you feel fear and excitement, your heart races, you might start to sweat, your chest might tighten up, and you might feel a pit in your stomach.

Your body reacts the same when it feels fear and excitement, and the only difference between the two is what your brain does. If you’re excited, your brain highlights all the great things that are about to happen, and when you are afraid, your brain thinks of all the bad things that can happen.

Your mind is either excited and working with and for you, or it’s afraid and working against you. Learn how to manage your mind so you can better manage fear.

Author and speaker Mel Robbins says you can reframe your mind from feeling fear, anxiety, and agitation to feeling excited by using her 5-Second Rule with an anchor statement.

She counts down from 5 and then says Anchor thought. An anchor thought is something that anchors you so you don’t escalate any thought or situation into a panic attack. Anchor yourself so you can maintain control over what you are afraid to do.

Anchor thoughts are things that make you happy and excited and are related to your situation. Mel says thinking about what you want to feel and think after the situation is over is how you can create effective anchor thoughts.

What do you hope happens?

What are you most excited about?

What do you want to get from this?

What is the best thing that can happen?

How do you want to feel when this is over?

How much value are you adding to yourself and others?

When you feel fear and need to act, say, “5, 4, 3, 2, 1,” then say your anchor statement.

This interrupts your negative thoughts switches the gears in your mind and reframe the thoughts of fear into thoughts of excitement. Your brain buys it because when your anchor statement is relevant and achievable, it can help you do the things you know you need to do.

Fear doesn’t have ever to stop you again. You can overcome your fear by using the 5-Second Rule, Anchor Thought, and reframe your thoughts from fear to excitement.


1 - What is your biggest takeaway from this post and video?

2 - What is something you are afraid of?

3 - What is a good anchor statement you can use to reframe your thoughts from fear to excitement?

For a printable PDF version of this post, click here: Mel Robbins: The Secret to Kill Fear

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