“If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” - Martin Luther
Do you want to change your life? Write.
In a TED Talk, Katie McCleary shared research that says when we write by hand, we synthesize our thoughts better and make deeper and more quality connections between our outside world and the inside world.
We receive over 11 million bits of information every second of every day, but our minds can only process 40-50 bits of that information.
We lose our focus because we have too much coming at us, so how do we know what matters? What story, what conversation, what feeling, what meeting, and what item on our to-do list matters most?
Our mind manufactures 6,200 thought worms every day - or 4 thought worms every second. We never have one single thought, but a bunch of thoughts that change every second, fighting each other for our attention.
When we write by hand, Katie says we are disrupting the thought-worm explosion in our head as we unconsciously sift through the hundreds and 1000s of thoughts in order to determine what really matters and what doesn’t.
When you are struggling with anything: your thoughts, your work, your relationships, your place on a team, your focus, remembering and retaining something, your to-do list, or anything else… Write.
Setting the timer on your phone for 7 minutes every morning and writing can change your life.
What do we write about? I put 3-5 minutes on the timer on my phone, and I write about something I just learned or what I want to do, think, be, or feel.
Question of the Day: What do you want to do, think, be, or feel? Write it down!