“Your success stops where your character stops. You can never rise above the limitations of your character". - John Maxwell
In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, leadership expert John Maxwell says the first and most important law of leadership is The Law of the Lid. We all have the potential to do great things in life, but we also have lids that put a cap on our potential and hold us back. The Law of the Lid states leadership ability is the lid that determines a person's level of effectiveness. The lower your ability to lead, the lower the lid on your potential, but the higher the lid, the greater your potential. If your leadership lid is a 5, your effectiveness can never be greater than a 4. If your leadership lid is a 10, then your effectiveness can be as high as a 9.
The most important person we lead is ourselves, so one of our jobs in life is to figure out what lids are holding us back, face them, and then lift them so we can become the best we can be.
You can do that by creating a personal growth plan built around 4 questions:
1 - Who do you want to be, and what do you want to do (vision)?
2 - What do you have to do to make that happen (habits)?
3 - What are the lids holding you down and keeping you from making it happen (lids)?
4 - How will you lift your lids so you can do what it takes to become who you want to be (growth mindset)?
Questions of the Day: What is one lid holding you down, and what is one new habit that will help you lift it?