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Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Writer's picture: acoachsdiaryacoachsdiary

Before Kobe Bryant became a legend, he air-balled the Lakers out of the 1997 playoffs. In the fourth quarter and overtime, Kobe put up four airballs in 5 minutes against the Stockton-Malone Jazz in an elimination game for the Lakers that ended their season.

Doing this could break the confidence of many athletes, so how did it propel Kobe to become one of the best basketball players we have ever seen?


Angela Duckworth is an educator and psychologist who is best known for her research on grit, which she defines as passion and perseverance for long-term goals.

In her Ted Talk titled Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance, Duckworth says grit is a greater predictor of success than IQ, social intelligence, health, and looks. 

Grit is your ability to go through hard things, like shooting 4 airballs in front of millions of people.

Grit having stamina, sticking with your future.

Grit is recognizing that you might have some beginner luck at the start of your journey, but know you will have to go through and grow through storms and obstacles along the way and will need to have stamina and discipline to stick to the plan no matter how you feel and what gets in your way.

Grit is Kobe not putting his head down but realizing that he air-balled because he wasn’t strong enough or in good enough shape and then putting in the work to make sure that moment never happens again.

Grit is doing whatever it takes to find ways to face your fears and the toughest opponents, seeking the knowledge you need to get better, and doing whatever it takes to become the person you want to become no matter how long it takes.

  • Do you have grit?

  • What areas do you need to have more grit in?


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