1 - Becky Hammon | HEART, GRIT, WILL, and a STRONG MIND
2 - Becky Hammon | D is For Destiny
3 - Becky Hammon | R is for RESILIENT
4 - Becky Hammon | E is for ENCOURAGE EXCELLENCE 5 - Becky Hammon | A is for APPRECIATION
6 - Becky Hammon | M is for MINDSET ON THE MISSION
Becky Hammon | HEART, GRIT, WILL, and a STRONG MIND
Do you know an athlete who isn’t the biggest, the strongest, or the fastest but who loves sports?
They need to watch Becky Hammon’s basketball Hall of Fame speech!
You can watch the full speech here:
Becky Hammon was just inducted into the Hall of Fame. She is a former WNBA star, a former NBA assistant coach, and is now a championship coach in the WNBA.
In her Hall of Fame speech, she said:
“I learned that the best tools that I’d have were things the world of basketball professionals wouldn’t see at first glance. I don’t look like a basketball player, and most times traveling with my team I got mistaken for the water girl. I’m average height, I have average speed on a good day. But what the good Lord didn’t give me in physical tools he gave me a double portion of in heart, grit, will, and a strong mind.”
I tell all my athletes that everyone notices the biggest, strongest, and fastest on the team. Everyone also notices the biggest person out there and the smallest person out there. Those aren’t things you can really control. But they also notice the toughest, hardest working person on the team.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - What is your biggest strength? What is the one thing you bring to the team that no one else can bring?
3 - How can you maximize your strengths and what you bring to the team?
During her Hall of Fame speech, Coach Hammon spoke about her acronym DREAM and what it means to her, and how it describes her career.
D is For Destiny
The first letter, D, stands for DESTINY. Destiny, sometimes also called fate, is a predetermined course of events. She said, “In so many ways, I feel like this basketball and life journey has been authored by someone else. I’m the character in my own story, and I now realize that every moment of my life was in preparation for what is coming next. It is very clear to me that God knew my end before my beginning, and then He backed up and began me.”
She then said, “Trust and know that every moment - especially the hard ones - is what is necessary to get you to your destiny.”
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - What is something that has happened in your life that happened because of destiny?
3 - If you knew you couldn’t fail, what is one thing you would do?
Becky said R is for RESILIENCE.
Resilience is both a character trait and a learned skill. The tough part about being resilient is you can only develop this skill by going through hard stuff. The amount of times I heard no or had a door shut was amount of times I was going to climb through a chimney or window. I was going to bust through something to get to where I needed to go. I was going to find a way, and pressing along become an integral part of my story.
But I wouldn’t change the hard parts because the hard parts were necessary to build the strength needed for what was coming next.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - What is one area in which being resilient has helped you or can help you?
3 - What does excellence mean to you?
Encourage means to give another person courage - to give them mental or moral strength to withstand fear or difficulty. Courage is found in the presence of fear or difficulty.
Be a person of principles and excellence. Do the right thing, the right way, at the right level.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - Who is someone you can go to to get encouragement?
3 - Who is someone you can encourage this week? What can you do to encourage them?
Becky Hammon says there are two lanes to choose from when journeying through life: A lane of appreciation and thankfulness, or a lane of taking and entitlement. Appreciation focuses on what you have - not on what you don’t have.
You can’t out-give life, and you can’t out-give the game. No matter how much you give, this life and this game will always give you more, so you have to give all you have.
It is better to give than to receive.
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - What is something you are thankful for today?
3 - What is something you have that you can appreciate more?
4 - What is something you can give more of?
Even when the mission seems impossible, have a mindset that is unshakable and unmovable. Just because someone says it’s never been done or it’s impossible to be done, doesn’t mean you should give up on your dreams.
Becky said, “I’m not supposed to be here. This is not anything that I could have ever dreamt of, but after I did everything that I possibly could do on my own, I know that God took what I thought was impossible and made it possible."
1 - What is your biggest takeaway from the video?
2 - Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed mindset? Do you think you have the ability to learn how to do hard things, or do you think that you are what you are?
3 - What do you do when someone says you can’t do something? Do you quit or find a way? What if that person saying you can’t do something is yourself?